Swap 10 from box A and 15 from box B
For calculate the ratio between the boxes we find the mean of the box A and the mean of the box B and divide this two results.
For find the mean of a set you use the next formula

Then the ratio is equal to

Know the ask us for a ratio of 9:11 then we know two things about the boxes.
If you swap the numbers between them the total of numbers in the mean not change is always 5 and the sum of all the elements in both boxes is always 100. With this we can state the next equation:
The new mean of
is 9 then:

The new mean of
is 11 then:

Now we know what is the sum of the elements in both boxes, but how we find the elements for swap? Well with the next relation.
When you take out a element from the box A this elements is substracted to the total sum of the elements in the box A and get a new sum of total of elements named
is the element taken):

And when you sum an element to the box A the current sum of total elements in the box change to (where
is the added element):

So replace
for the first relation and get:

From the last equation you can deduct that
is greater than
and the different between both values is 5. So the last step is find a number in the box B that substracted to a number from the box A give us 5. These both numbers are 15 and 10 because 15 - 10 = 5.