Given the temperature of an object at time t as
-kt f(t) = T. + Ce +
where TO is the environment temperature, C is the difference in temperature of environment and object.
Given a boliling water at 100 degree celsius is placed in a freezer at 0 degree celsius, so we have
To = 0
C = 100 – 0= 100
After 26 minutes the temperature of water is 50 degree celsius.
f(26) = 0 + 100e -26k = 50
100e 26K = 50
-26 e = 0.5
-26%: In e = ln 0.5
-26% = ln 0.5
In 0.5 k= 26
So the temperature of water after 78 minutes will be,
f(78) = 100e -78 In 0.5 26 = = 12.5 =
The temperature of water after 78 minutes will be approximately 12.5 0 C