B. Fill in the blanks with collective nouns given in the box: hive congregation swarm arrival slaver healt igno birt str re mob passengers menagerie troupe posse bevy fleet 1. A All of girls has just entered the garden. The bees rear their young ones in a hood 3. Soon a of people gathered around the injured man. 4. ... are requested not to smoke in the bus. 5. A of flies often hovers over uncovered trays of sweets. 6. After the sermon the gathered around the priests. 7. At the theatre, we enjoyed a splendid display given by a ......... of danc of wild animals can be seen in the Chitwan National Park 8. A 9. A ..... of ships moved towards the Atlantic Ocean. of police was deputed for the security arrangements of 10. The President. the following sentences with abstract nouns opposite in meaning to the