2.Military Time 0327 is: 03:27 AM using 12-hour clock notation, 03:27 using 24-hour clock notation.
3.Military Time 0048 is: 12:48 AM using 12-hour clock notation, 00:48 using 24-hour clock notation.
5.Military Time 0600 is: 06:00 AM using 12-hour clock notation, 06:00 using 24-hour clock notation.
6.Converting 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Time. Add 12 to the first hour of the day and include “AM.” In 24-hour time, midnight is signified as 00:00. So, for midnight hour, add 12 and the signifier “AM” to convert to 12-hour time.
1.05:29 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 17:29 using 24-hour clock notation.
4.11:58 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 23:58 using 24-hour clock notation.
7.09:44 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 21:44 using 24-hour clock notation.
8.10:48 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 22:48 using 24-hour clock notation.
9.11:55 PM using 12-hour clock notation, 23:55 using 24-hour clock notation
(I've put the question numbers according to how you've asked it in the question)
Hope you've understood ☺️