See below:
Hello! My name is Galaxy and I'll be helping you with your problem! Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments if you need it!
We can solve the problem by knowing the following: Conversions and Solving. I'll start off with Conversions.
We can convert the inches to yards by knowing our conversion rates, they are the following:
1 yard = 3 feet.
1 feet = 12 inches.
We can use these factors to solve the problem.
We can solve the problem by using our base value, inches, and building up from it, to get to yards, we can split 83 into groups of 36 as there are 36 inches in one yard.

Now that we know that, 83 is equal to 36+36+11
We have two groups of 36 so we know right now it is 2 yards and 11 inches.
If we don't want it to be precise and not in decimals, that would be our answer, but, if we want it in precise terms, we have to go deeper.
Since we know its 2 yards and 11 inches, we can convert our 11 inches to yards by dividing it by 36.
Leading to that gives us:
yards is equal to 83 inches.
If we want it as a decimal, it keeps on going but its ~ 2.305556 or rounded down to 2.3 yards!