Which of the following sentences from the
article explains the significance of the mounds to
Native American life?
These burial mounds were rounded, dome-
shaped structures that generally range from
about 3 to 18 feet high, with diameters from
50 to 100 feet
As a result, by the time sustained contact
with European colonists began about 1700,
the long tradition of mound building had
nearly ended.
These three platform mounds, an adjacent
ceremonial plaza and associated habitation
areas mark the political and religious capital
of the Natchez Indian chiefdom of the late
17th century and early 18th century.
Two of the burials may have been those of
the Great Sun, whose death in 1728 is
mentioned in historical sources, and his
brother and war chief Tattooed Serpent
whose 1725 funeral was recorded in detail
by the French