Answer: 441
The formula for an arithmetic sum is

We know that the
. So now all we need is the
. Well, if you draw each number onto the number line, you get something like
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
You can see that your numbers are spaced 5 apart, and they go from -1 all the way up to 64. So what you're really asking is, "how many segments of five can I draw from -1 up to 64?" The length of the line from -1 to 64 is 65 (think about it), so the number of line segments is 65/5 = 13. However, we didn't count 64 itself, since there's no line segment past it! So really there are 14 terms in this sequence. Thus the total sum is