1. The TV sports announcer said, "The game of squash has been played since the 1700s."
2. Do some research to see if you can find out what squash used to be called.
3. You should be able to find out that is was called racquets.
4. Do you already know that squash is played with a long-handed racquet with a small ball inside a fully enclosed court?
5. Squash was first played by prisoners in the London's Fleet Prison, where they bounced the ball off the prison courtyards walls.
6. Do you think it's odd that the next group of people to begin playing squash was the British upper class?
7. From the prison yard to the elite clubs of the upper class--that's quite a jump!
8. A list of sports similar to squash would look like this:
1 racquetball
2 Jai alai.
9. Racquetball was invented in 1949 in Greenwich, Conn, by an American, Joe Sobek.
10. Jai alai, which is popular in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries, is played on a much larger court and with a 38-long "basket" strapped to each player's arm.