Cyberbullying means : is that when he/she is being bully in online. And also, That's the bully is sending to he/she is to threatening messages to the person. Plus, which some people call it "cyberharassment."

Plagiarism means : that he or she is copying, someone work/ideas. when it's not even their homework or their ideas, and they passing it off as their own homework.

Ergonomics that can be roughly and also, that be defined as the study of people in working of the environment. More specifically, an ergonomist (pronounced like economist) that designs or that modifies of the work to fit of the worker, not the other way around. That the goal was to is to eliminate of discomfort and the risk of in injury due to work.

Identity theft that occurs of when he or she, that someone uses their account. for personal identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, just to commit fraud or other crimes.

An a person who that uses the Internet regularly and effectively basic. A good digital citizen is that one who knows what is right and wrong, And, exhibits intelligent technology behavior, and that makes good choices when using technology.