Below are the questions followed by the correct answers:
Question 1: Which words would a writer most likely use to transition between events in historical writing?
Answer: afterwards, during the same year, meanwhile
Question 2: How can you use direct quotes effectively in historical writing?
Answer: Introduce quotes rather than just dropping them on the page.
Question 3: The writer of these sentences needed to revise his essay to make sure all of the facts he included were relevant. Which fact seems poorly chosen for a historical essay about the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima?
Answer: Hiroshima means “wide island” in Japanese.
Question 4: How can you, as a writer, help readers visualize historical events more clearly and vividly?
Answer: Include concrete details that appeal to the senses.
Question 5: Which revision strategy is helpful when trying to elaborate on your description of a historical event?
Answer: Ask yourself questions that may help you generate more information.
Question 1: Because historical texts are written in chronological order, transitions that show time help a reader move from one event to another.
Question 2: When writers introduce quotations by stating the source, for example, readers better understand the significance of the quotation in the essay.
Question 3: One important task when revising historical writing is to make sure the facts you include truly belong in the essay.
Question 4: Concrete details “show” the reader the historical event, while abstract language can only “tell” about the event.
Question 5: A simple way to “dig” for more information and generate more details is by asking questions using the words who, when, where, why, what, and how.