☘ Whαt wє nєєd tσ knσw вєfσrє wє ѕσlvє :
➺ Mσduluѕ (mσd) iѕ α mαthєmαticαl functiσn thαt givєѕ αвѕσlutє vαluє σf α numвєr σr vαríαвlє.
⧉ Thαt is :
✤ 1 :positive value ➙ +vє value [ |a| ➙ a ]
✤ 2 :negative value ➙ +vє value [ |-a| ➙ a ]
✤ 3 :variable term ➙ +vє variable [ |x| ➙± x ]
❐ if value in the value in variable is negative, then
- |x| = -x [ minus sign makes -ve value +ve ]
- |x| = x [ there's no need to change if value is already positive ]
❐ nσw, mσvє σn tσ quєѕtiσn :
✦ thєrєfσrє, vαluє σf х iѕ 15