Fairness is important. It takes place in all our lives. If we did not have
fairness our lives would be crazy. Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and
no one is left out. People that are fair follow the rules in sports, games, activities,
and in their community. They are honest and trustworthy. They follow Eleanor
Roosevelt’s quote “It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do
Fairness is very important in a community. Everyone needs to follow the
rules, be respectful of one another and work together to build a strong and beautiful
community. They can do this by getting together in a friendly way to solve
problems and make rules that are fair to everyone.
In a community, fairness looks like people keeping their pets in their own
yards, people taking care of their trash, people respecting their neighbors, and
people following the rules in their community. In a community neighbors also help
one another and take care of each other.
Fairness is a lot more than we think. It is not only making sure that everyone
is treated the same. It encourages, respect, responsibility, leadership, trust and a
life that matters. All of these things affect a community.
Imagine your community if there was no such thing as fairness or rules. No
one would agree, people would get upset with each other, people wouldn’t work
together and people wouldn’t want to live there. In a community where people are
being treated fair everyone works together, solves problems easily, has fun, cares
for one another, feels safe and gets along. That is a way that many people want to
It should be important to a person to act with fairness. If you do this people
will respect and trust you. People will know that you are nice and they will want to
be your friend. You will have a better opportunity to live a wonderful life. When a
person doesn’t think something is fair they stand up for change in their community.
There were many times in history when things were not fair, but there were
people that stood up for what they thought was fair and helped to make a
difference. For example there was Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, and
Susan B. Anthony. They helped make communities and the world a better place by
being leaders and heroes and standing up for fairness.
There are leaders in every community that help to make sure things are fair.
They work with others to help make sure that it’s a safe and fair community where
people want to live. Fairness affects our lives and builds strong communities. That’s
how fairness affects a community.
Step-by-step explanation: