No solutions
4x + 2
To create a no solution equation, we can need to create a mathematical statement that is always false. To do this, we need the variables on both sides of the equation to cancel each other out and have the remaining values to not be equal.
3x + 4
To create a one solution equation, we can honestly create an equation using any number we want as long as we don't have the same amount of variables on both sides of the equation.
4x + 5
An infinite solution has both sides equal. For example, 6x + 2y - 8 = 12x +4y - 16. If you simplify the equation using an infinite solutions formula or method, you'll get both sides equal, hence, it is an infinite solution.
(If you let me know what your choices are I can tell you what ones to use cause I had to just use random numbers)
Hope this helps