employing (someone) for wages - Hiring
the process of finding new people to join an organization - Recruitment
a proposal put forward by an employer to a prospective employee - Offer
serve the purpose of gathering information about a prospective employee from previous employers - References
a face to face meeting between an employer and a job applicant -Interview
the money the employee will receive as a salary or wages - Compensation
internal (employees within the company) and external (people outside the company) - Types of Recruitment
maps out the strategy for attracting skilled employees and obtaining applications from a diverse workforce - Recruitment Plan
informs applicants about the responsibilities and required qualification -Job Description
the process of integrating a new employee into an organization -Onboarding
Lol i JUST got done with this test <3
I apologize in advance is something went wrong at any point in answering.
(I got 10/10 with answers btw so I know they are correct so nothing should go wrong but just incase something does let me know and I will fix it!)