parts of sentence
Sentences A group of words is called a sentence, which reveals the completeness of an idea. like -
1 India is a great country.
2 Rahman killed Lakshmi.
parts of sentence
on the basis of 1 meaning
2 on the basis of composition
on the basis of composition
1 simple sentence
2 compound sentences
3 compound sentences
1 Simple Sentence A sentence which has only one main verb is called a simple sentence.
1 Ram is studying.
2 Aayush's elder brother is watching cinema.
3 This boy got the award.
4 We had stopped wearing jewelry.
5 The question of social equality will be resolved through the path of non-violence.
6 His feeding face withered. 7 The ashram will not stick to any one religion.
2 Compound Sentence Two or more in a compound sentence
or etc.).
We sat in the taxi and the taxi ran.
2 Madvi is a very big river and remains full of water throughout the year.
3 Clouds came but it did not rain.
4 I quickly made him drink tea and left.
The Padolphin fish was small but the kids enjoyed it.
6 I have not committed any sin, nor have I stolen anything.
7 workers dug a pit and went home.
3 Compound Sentence- A sentence which has one principal and the rest dependent clause, is called compound sentence.
If I worked hard, I would have been successful.
Simple sentence conjunctions (and but and