Question 1
8. What action does the curse cause
the king to take?
Question 2
e" from Grimm's Fairy Tales
me reigned in a country a great way off,
airies. Now this king and queen had plenty
wear, plenty of good things to eat and
every day, but though they had been married
Not having a child caused them much
Question 3
He seeks to destroy the evil
fairy's home in the forest
Question 4
Question 5
He stays by his daughter's
side for the rest of the story
to protect her
Question 6
Question 7
He asks the twelfth fairy to
place a blessing of
protection on his daughter.
Question 8
walking by the side of the river, she saw a
elf out of the water. It lay gasping and nearly
ok pity on the little fish and threw it back
m away, it lifted its head out of the water
is, and it shall be fulfilled. In return for your
ve a daughter.
oon came to pass and the queen had a little
ful. The king joyfully said he would hold a
w the child to all the land. He asked his
fairies also that they might be kind and
there were thirteen fairies in the kingdom,
twelve golden dishes for them to eat out of
of the fairies to the feast
He orders all the spindles in
the kingdom to be
wore a high red cap on her head, wore red
t, and carried a long white wand in her hand,