Step-by-step explanation:
Let's go through each one.
short-wavelength - not all of them got short wavelengths.
stream of photons - yup, they all got a stream of photons, but the longer wavelengths' photons don't carry much energy such as the shorter wavelengths.
energy in atoms - yes, all wavelengths have energy, the short wavelengths carry more energy than the longer ones.
only from radioactive material - not at all. Radio waves and microwaves are not radioactive! only the wavelengths that carry a large amount of energy are radioactive - these are the shorter wavelengths - these might be gamma rays and x-rays.
speed of 300,000 kilometers per second - yes! all electromagnetic radiation travels at this speed! isn't it amazing?
travel through vacuum of space - yup, all of them.
Hope this helps!