First State : Punjab
soil - Alluvial soil
crops - Cotton, wheat, sorghum, bajra, maize, barley, jute, tobacco, green and black gram, chickpea, pigeon pea, etc.
Suitable properties : Mix of sandy loam and clay soil. Quick draining in nature. Rich in humus (organic matter) and phosphoric acid
Second state : Maharashtra
soil - black soil
Crops - Cotton is the major crop. Other crops include wheat, cereals, rice, jowar, sugarcane, linseed,
Suitable properties : Black soils get sticky when fully wet. Rich in magnesium, iron, aluminum, and lime. They moisture excellently.
Third state : Orrisa
soil - laterite soil
crops - wheat, rice, pulses, rubber, tea, coffee, coconut, and cashews.
suitable properties : These Soils are acidic in nature and coarse and crumbly in texture. it is also rich in iron content.
Fourth state : Rajasthan
soil - Arid soil
crops - Barley, maize, wheat, millets, cotton, and pulses.
Suitable properties - Sandy soils with low clay content, Saline in nature. Rich in plant food. Poor in organic matter and moisture because arid regions are usually dry.
Fifth state : Sikkim
soil - Mountain and Forest Soil
Crops- Wheat, barley, maize, tea, coffee, spices, tropical and temperate fruits.
Suitable properties - Acidic soil, rich in organic matter. Poor in lime, phosphorus, and potash. Good fertilization is required in these soils.