Adolescence is an ideal time in a person's life to gain and maintain new skills. The changes in the
brain and how they shape a young person's thinking help prepare adolescents for adult decision
making. Still, parents and other caring adults should remember that the teen brain is not fully
developed. In particular, teens may struggle with impulse control and may be more likely to make
decisions based on emotions than on logic. In addition, an adolescent's thinking and decision-
making processes may vary from day to day. By keeping these issues in mind, adults can provide
the support adolescents need as their brains develop.
Which idea is BEST supported by this paragraph?
Adolescence is a tough time for the teen brain and results in uncertainty and confusion for most teens
While the teen brain is still growing, adults should give teens more responsibilities as their brains
develop new skills.
Adults should not expect too much from teenagers because their brains are going through a period of
While the teen brain benefits from learning many new skills, there is still plenty of growing left to do.