Underline once the adjective or adverb clause. Underline twice the word it modifies.
1. The poet T.S. Eliot, who was born in the United States, became a British subject.
2. After Bob arrived in Madrid, he began to study art.
3. The person whose name heads the list had to drop out of the race.
4. Ed gave the package to his father, who will mail it tomorrow.
5. Mountain gorillas, which are an endangered species, live only in Africa.
6. Before the snow began, we stacked two cords of firewood .
7. The man whom you met is the theater manager.
8. Because that clerk was so helpful, I praised her to the store manager.
9. The cross-country team is curious about the course that it will run.
10. Children should use car safety seats until they are four years old.