If we are dealing with whole real numbers.
Both answers are based on the same idea.
The product of two numbers is even only if at least one of the two multiplicands is even.
The square of an odd number can only result in an odd number. The reverse is true as well. The square root of an odd number can only be an odd number.
This comes from number theory where multiplication is the repeated addition of one number a certain number of times.
If the first number is even, then every time you add itself again results in an even number, It does not matter if you add an even or odd number of times.
If the first multiplicand is odd, the sum of two odd numbers is always even, adding a third odd multiplicand again results in an odd number, the fourth is even, the fifth is odd, the pattern continues forever. The summation of an even number of odd multiplicands results in an even number. The summation of an odd number of odd multiplicands results in an odd number.