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Write a 100 word essay reflecting on how poems can be mirrors of life experiences,

and look for at least one poem that can justify it ( a poem that talks about heartbreak, or the sinple joys of life).​

1 Answer

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A reflection isn’t the actual representation, as a mirror displays us to ourselves isn’t identical or a reflection given by looking into a pool of water. So poetry isn’t meant as an identical portrayal, just glimpses now and then, like a distorted ripple effect yet then appearing as a freeze frame would. These distorted snapshots are based on what the technology provides and any enhancements such as colour, brightness, contrast.


Poetry is different because if I mention the Statue of Liberty then each person responds to previous images stored to memory. Same again if I refer to a restaurant, or a museum, or a School, or a College or University, or a Church. So poetry isn’t limited to just one perception for a reader, this year or next year, or 20 years from now.


Same again if I have a poem that includes the word blue. Is it light blue or dark blue or just feeling sad? So when poets use words they may be using puns or alliterations or acrostics as writing devices. They may be trying to impress with finesse. They may be drawing words to their most basic just to communicate with little children, too. So while poetry can elevate and inspire with great eloquence, that doesn’t mean a poet determines these as right for everything that he must write. Poetry has been suggested as writing the right words in the right phrases. That doesn’t apply to nonsense rhymes because this genre is playful, it’s just like a silly rhyme time or a limerick or a one-liner action.


Think of the amazing variety that is offered in poetic styles. The poemhunter web site has a Submit a New Poem option. Its drop-down list of types or formats has over 100 to choose from. Some are basic and some are intricately contrived, pieced together with precise control even to the syllables and the stresses in the way they get used, pronounced and recited to others. So while you’re reading this information, there are thousands of poems being created by well-meaning poets as well as professionals and amateurs and those who just feel spiteful, sarcastic or vehemently calling to social change, crusaders, hopeful for some repentance or reform, for restoration or repair, for blessing and further blessings to follow. Some are writing for posterity, reaching beyond this generation, reaching for a better world. So it’s no wonder that thousands of ideas are bubbling away like water in the kettle, ready for use later on.


Society has taken the choicest poetry to mold the future hopes and dreams of humanity. Prophets can become poets and visionaries going beyond all previously known thoughts and ideas. Poets can be the comforters, the coaxers, the inquisitors of truths and standards. They could be the watchmen, the faithful few. They could be the clowns and the comedians, the artists and the composers, the blessing or the curse. You either like a poem, or tolerate or hate it. If you like it, that doesn’t mean you’re willing to pay a single penny to that poet. So it’s no wonder that many poets feel downcast and even cynical about what their talents are providing for them for their financial future. Poetry and poverty are too close for comfort. A labor of love? Or just a way to avoid doing the housework and washing the dishes?

User Lodlock
7.3k points