For each of the sentences below, choose the word that is a synonym of the italicized Vocabulary
word. Write the letter of the synonym on the line provided.
1. Ulrich von Gradwitz's land lay on the edge of the Carpathians, a mountain
range with precipitous rock walls.
a, attractive
b. sheer
c. heavy
2. The Znaeym family had never acquiesced in the courts' decision about the land,
a. concurred
b. participated c. bothered
3. Ulrich von Gradwitz was willing to shoot any marauders hunting game in his forest.
a. denizens
b, raiders
c. murderers
4. Suffering under the weight of the tree, von Gradwitz felt a growing languor come
over his limbs.
a. inhibition
b. hatred
c. listlessness
5. The two men waited for their parties to arrive and give them succor
a. aid
b. refreshment
c, applause
6. Ulrich felt exasperation at being pinned beneath the tree.
a, relief
b. annoyance c. fear
7. Thankful for being alive, Ulrich uttered pious offerings.
a, insincere
b. painful
c. religious
8. To Georg's laughter, Ulrich retorted, "I'm caught in my own forest land."
a. snapped
b. purred
c. gisgled
9. The two men reached a reconciliation after years of being enemies,
a. promise
b. settlement
c. oath
10. Neither man was able to give condolences to the other's family
a. orders
b. inheritance c. sympathy
Sentence Writing
Now; try your hand at creating
sentences about "The Interlopers." On a separate sheet of paper, use
italicized Vocabulary and above in a sentence; underline in your sentence.
thooe words
* Demonotrare knowledge of that wordo meaning in the sentence!
Cargoby Han, Pincharted Water A fripts reserved
12 Waabulary Development
Holt Literature and Language Arts