33 degrees
how many degrees do we have in a full circle rotation ?
e.g. when we have a camera pointing into a specific direction and then start turning to one side, and keep turning until we end up pointing into the original direction again.
what numbers do we say in sports like skateboarding, where people make flips and turns to indicate the type of rotation ? there are usually 180s, 360s and multiples and combinations of them.
why ? because they indicate the degrees of the rotation performed.
this is what has to be ingrained into your brain forever : a full circle, one full rotation has 360 degrees.
so, all of the angles in the picture together represent one full rotation around that center point.
so, their sum must be 360 degrees.
we have
87 + x + 87 + x + 87 + x = 360
3x + 3Ă—87 = 360
x + 87 = 120
x = 33 degrees