Step-by-step explanatio
may not be real numbers. Our final theorem in the section gives us an upper bound on the number
of real zeros.
Theorem 3.7. Suppose f is a polynomial of degree n ≥ 1. Then f has at most n real zeros,
counting multiplicities.
Theorem 3.7 is a consequence of the Factor Theorem and polynomial multiplication. Every zero c
of f gives us a factor of the form (x − c) for f (x). Since f has degree n, there can be at most n of
these factors. The next section provides us some tools which not only help us determine where the
real zeros are to be found, but which real numbers they may be.
We close this section with a summary of several concepts previously presented. You should take
the time to look back through the text to see where each concept was first introduced and where
each connection to the other concepts was made.
Connections Between Zeros, Factors and Graphs of Polynomial Functions
Suppose p is a polynomial function of degree n ≥ 1. The following statements are equivalent:
• The real number c is a zero of p
• p(c) = 0
• x = c is a solution to the polynomial equation p(x) = 0
• (x − c) is a factor of p(x)
• The point (c, 0) is an x-intercept of the graph of y = p(x)
3.2 The Factor Theorem and The Remainder Theorem 265
3.2.1 Exercises
In Exercises 1 - 6, use polynomial long division to perform the indicated