Some options you could consider writing:
- I spend about 3 hours a day on leisure activities: In school, after studying time at home, before dinner, and before going to bed.
- The 3 leisure activities I prefer doing the most are: doing sports and exercises, reading books and using the computer.
- Doing sports and exercises: in school we have a relaxing time for exercise, to keep my full energy during the class. It takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour in the morning.
- Using the computer: before dinner, I use my 30 minutes to surf the Internet, maybe seeing new feeds on social medias, or watching TV shows.
- Reading books: before going to bed, I finish my day by reading a book. That could be an English novel or short story. I think it is a good hobby for everyone. I usually read for an hour.
This question depends on your personal preference, but you can take some ideas off the ones above or use them since you're asking.