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culture of respect and support should be developed to stop the problem of girl trafficking and improve the status of women . present your view.for 100 point​

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2002 2-4 October A consultation session on trafficking in women and children was held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The meeting was attended by 60 participants from 30 countries, including representatives of governments and non-governmental organizations, as well as key UNFPA representatives. and other UN agencies.

UNFPA's concerns in this regard relate to the historic plan drawn up in 1994. Cairo. International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The Foundation believes that the complex problems of trafficking in human beings are directly linked to the program's focus on gender equality, women's empowerment and violence against women, and human rights.

Trafficking in human beings for commercial sexual exploitation is a modern form of slavery under the 2000 Convention. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. (The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Persons, Especially Women and Children, has been signed by 80 countries.) Harmonized definitions are needed at the Bratislava Conference.

First, participants set out the goals they wanted to achieve in the study: to develop a common understanding of the problem of human trafficking and its impact on reproductive health and reproduction; Identification of problem-solving methods, methodologies, and best practices; Identify the potential benefits of UNFPA and potential partners in local action.

During the meeting, trafficking in human beings was identified as a gender and development issue, with a strong focus on addressing gender perspectives. Situations of at-risk children were discussed from the perspective of girls and boys; Likewise, the gender of the trader was shown in a vision that could be expressed. Gender poverty has been identified as an important factor in trafficking, especially as it shapes women's and children's perceptions and attitudes to poverty, making them more vulnerable to trafficking by turning their bodies into commodities.

The meeting concluded that "cooperation" is a key concept in the fight against trafficking in human beings, as exemplified by the cooperation between UNFPA and its sister organizations, cooperation with the government,

1 Article 3 of the UN Protocol 2000: “Trafficking in human beings means the recruitment, transportation, transfer, possession or reception of persons by threat or use of force or other coercion, abduction, fraud or deception for abuse or vulnerability. making or receiving payments or benefits to obtain the consent of the person controlling another person to exploit. Exploitation shall include, at least, the exploitation of others for prostitution or other sexual exploitation, forced labor or compulsory service, slavery and the practice of slavery, slavery and organ transplantation, in particular in cooperation with international NGOs - national and local and civil society organizations.

It was agreed that UNFPA would have similar advantages over the programs related to its mandate, i. Y. Focus on poverty and gender discrimination. The Foundation can play an important role as a lawyer, mediator, and coordinator; This, in turn, can create useful synergies in the efforts of other actors or colleagues working on similar or related issues.

The following key events were highlighted in the UNFPA study:

• Trade partnership requests should be treated as a matter of promotion and policy. This should be taken into account in research and data collection to better understand and capture the scale of the problem. While the Foundation continues to fulfill its responsibilities in three key areas of sexual and reproductive health, public policy, and development, it must meet the challenges of a changing world.

• Gender social development is a difficult but important issue to address, as gender discrimination persists and can lead to sexual abuse of women and girls, girls and children.

• The relationship between trafficking in human beings and rights should be strengthened

User David Skrundz
6.3k points