1) Girls have been treated as a burden for many years. Even today their condition has not changed. Parents don't welcome daughters whole heartedly. As a result girls' life is badly affected. 5 effects this may have on the girl:-
- Girls would feel discouraged and they would not concentrate on their studies.
- They lose their ambitions and their dreams to achieve a separate identity in society is shattered.
- They feel helpless even in their parents' house.
- They are married off early and are forced to bear children at a young age. This takes a toll on their mental and physical health.
- They are subject to exploitation.
2) It is important for all persons to be treated equally. Everybody has human rights and should be treated equally and with dignity. If anybody is tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way, it will create an atmosphere of revolt. People who are treated fairly and have equal opportunity are better able to contribute socially and economically to the community, and to enhance growth and prosperity. To ensure equality our constitution states that:-
“The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”
This is article 15 of the Indian constitution which secures the citizens from every sort of discrimination by the State, on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth or any of them. In this way our constitution guarantees equal rights and opportunities to all.
Hope this helps.