Hello! My name is kaori and today ill be helping you to finding the correct answer you need Let's begin.

♡ Animals
• Speciliased tubes-arteries
• Speciliased tubes-arteriescapillaries in the veins
• all tubes are composed of living cells
• the concentration of substances transported is controlled
• the heart controlls the circulatory system. the heart is controlled by the nervous system.
• the rate of flow is moderate and is regulated by vasoconstriction and vasodilation
• the subtances being transported are respiratory gases, amino acids, glucose, vitamins, fatty acids etc
☆ Plants
• Spealised tubes -xylem vessels and trachids and phloem seive tubes
• Spealised tubes -xylem vessels and trachids and phloem seive tubes• some tubes are composed of living cells
example: phloem otherbare composed of dead cells
• the concentration of the substances being transported is NOT controlled.
• there is NO such control in plants
• the rate of flow in xylem and phloem is quite slow
• substances being transported are: amino acids, sucrose, fatty acids, etc.