Scientific knowledge refers to a generalized body of laws and theories to explain a phenomenon or behavior of interest that are acquired using the scientific method. Laws are observed patterns of phenomena or behaviors, while theories are systematic explanations of the underlying phenomenon or behavior.Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence Identifies accurate examples of data used for evidence. For example: Much of the data about the seafloor is collected without direct observations. ... For example: the sonar mapping activity graph can serve as a model of the seafloor.Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.Scientific knowledge refers to a generalized body of laws and theories to explain a phenomenon or behavior of interest that are acquired using the scientific method. Laws are observed patterns of phenomena or behaviors, while theories are systematic explanations of the underlying phenomenon.It is derived from perception, learning, and discovery. Scientific knowledge, in particular, is organized in a systematic way and is testable and verifiable. It is used to provide explanations of the occurrence of events.Scientific knowledge is fully objective, verified by independent scientific research. The course of the conducted research, applied research methods and their nature and research issues should be determined objectively by scientists, ie independently of other entities and institutions.