what is difference about scientist thinking and common peoples thinking and what is logical thinking


They believe in asking questions to themselves and try to find there answers by themselves with help of there observation with large number of observation sometimes they also provide a hypothesis.
They use always use critical thinking which helps one to think and solve one situation beyond its memory. this helps to find new ideas
They use inductive reasoning or deductive reasoning to develop a hypothesis deriving most logically from available data.

They believe easily on what other told them to believe. common people relay on the answer of the experts or scientists then researching on the topic themselves
Critical thinking is rare in Common public thinking bez in our daily routine we believe on what we read and hear.
logical thinking is found rare in common public as they didn't think about the logic of what is happening in day to day life .

It the way of thinking in which we check about the logic of the what is happening around u
In this type of Thinking a person finds reasons and causes of each and every observation
This helps in new law formation and helps in finding the solution of each and every problem.
With the logical thinking one uses feedback in positive way and try to solve that.
This type of thinking our lines become short and clear . this helps us to give perfect answer for each and everything.