Read the article "Does Reading Fiction Make Us Better People?" (Links to an external site.) written by Claudia Hammond in the psychology section of (Open this PDF copy if the link does not open) Does reading fiction make us better people_ - BBC Future.pdf download
After reading the article, write a one-page analysis of the article. After introducing your purpose, summarize Hammond's key findings to support the theory that reading fiction makes people more empathetic and caring individuals. Include a paragraph that discusses a study cited in the article that stands out most to you and explain why. In a final paragraph, state your opinions regarding the article and the findings cited by the author. Do the studies provided by Hammond prove her theories? Does the author make a convincing argument about the topic? Why or why not? What additional discussion do you think would further support the topic? Have your opinions about reading changed after reading this article?
Before submitting your final paper, be sure you have followed course expectations for written assignments outlined in the course syllabus: Your paper must be written in MLA format (double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font) with a separate page for the Works Cited. Include parenthetical and in-text citations in your paper as needed when referencing the article.