Step 1 : Find a common denominator. We will use 36 as the denominator since 9, 12, and 18 are all factors of 36.
Step 2 : The number you multiple the denominator by must be the same number you multiply its numerator by.
Example : 2/9 To get a denominator of 36 you need to multiply 9 by 4. Now you need to multiply 2 by 4 as well.
Step 3 : Convert fractions into the new fractions
2/9 (times 4 on both sides) = 8/36
5/12 (times 3 on both sides) = 15/36
7/18 (times 2 on both sides) = 14/36
Step 4 : Plug new numbers into the equation.
8/16 + 15/36 - 14/36
Step 5 : Solve
8/16 + 15/36 = 23/36
23/36 - 14/36 = 9/36
Step 6 : Simplify
9/36 (divide by 9 on both sides) = 1/4