a. Expansion: the spatial dilation of a material that occurs upon changes in its composition. (an increase in number or amount to become larger in size.)
E.g- in a thermometer, when it gets hotter, the liquid inside them expands and rises up the tube.
b. Sublimation: the process in which a solid changes directly into a liquid.
E.g- dry ice, solid iodine and ammonium salts.
when the above solids are heated, only particles which are found on the surface of the solid have enough energy to break all forces of attraction and form a gas.
c. Contraction: it is the opposite of expansion. when a liquid is cooled the particles slow down and contract.
E.g- when a thermometer is taken out of your mouth, it contracts and the liquid inside falls back to the bottom.
f. Random Motion: motion in which the particle moves in a zig-zag manner and not in a straight line. The kinetic particle theory states that matter is made up of particles which are in constant random motion,
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