first, buy blankets and pillows
then buy bed
then use your hand to put
First, lay out the top two corners of the bed. Then smooth the other two corners, laying one corner of the bottom edge first, and then the other corner. Continue smoothing the sheet, then tuck it under the mattress pad and on top of the mattress. If the size is right it should be just right. Sometimes, a one-man shop can be in a hurry. If you have a friend or family member, you can lay out both corners at the same time.
The top edge of the sheet should be aligned with the mattress, and the bottom should hang naturally at the end of the bed.
Tuck the corners of the top sheet under the mattress as well. And adjust to fit snugly between the mattress and the mattress.
Tuck the top of the sheet under the mattress pad until the sheet is perfectly flat.
Spread the blanket over the sheets
put two pillows on the bed
Get a warm quilt
decorate with some extra pillows
If you don't know what to put during the process, you can call your family or friends
hope this help u