Study, study, study, and try to remember everything.
Step-by-step explanation:
I know that sounds overwhelming, but it really does help. I find that making fake tests for myself with questions I expect to see on the test helps a lot. Whatever you know helps, flashcards, essays, whatever, do it. But remember to take breaks. If you feel yourself starting to get distracted or fidgety, take a break. Take a walk, have a snack, talk to a friend. Speaking of friends, study with one. You can ask them about concepts you don't understand and help yourself better understand the ones you already know by explaining it to them. And lastly, be comfortable. Breathe when you have to. Get a lot of sleep tonight and just don't be super stressed. Also, another thing I find extremely helpful on multiple choice questions? Choose an answer, and then explain to yourself why you think that's correct. And if you know that one is NOT correct? Write beside of it why you think it's not correct. I really hope this helps and I wish you the absolute best of luck tomorrow.