Northern and Western Hemispheres
Step-by-step explanation:
If you take a look at a world map, you can perhaps imagine that it is divided into four equal quarters. The US would be in the top-left quarter . Therefore, you can say that the US is in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. A hemisphere is basically a half of the earth. The Prime Meridian (The imaginary line that is 0 degrees longitude) divides the Eastern and Western halves/hemispheres of the Earth. The Equator (The imaginary line that is 0 degrees latitude) divides the Northern and Southern halves/hemispheres of the Earth. Certain places can be in two hemispheres, so dividing a map into quarters can help you identify which hemispheres a certain places are in. Places in the top left quarter are in the Northern and Western hemispheres, top right quarter are in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, bottom left quarter are in the Southern and Western hemispheres. and bottom right quarter are in the Southern and Eastern hemispheres.