5 votes
If there is one thing in this world you would like to change, what would it be and why?

2 Answers

6 votes


Christianity/belief in the bible

Step-by-step explanation:

the way the bible is written right now, so many people get confused. People believe that white people are better than black because the "lord" says so. The bible doesnt say that. Neither does it say a man can not lie with another man, saying it is a sin. If you believe entirely in the bible then you should follow the following list-

you shall love no other gods before me-

the following are associated sins

idolatry, greed,covetousness, love of money, complaining, not loving god with ALL your heart, disobedience, witchcraft, putting family, friends, job or ANYTHING above god, including food, money, sports, TV, movies, cars,

you shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. you shall not bow down to them or serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting iniquity of the fathers on the children to the 3rd and 4th generation

-the following are associating sins

love of money, greed, irreverent use of gods word, lover of self

some more sins according to the bible because of the amendments according to humans-

cursing, swearing,blasphemy, breaking oath in gods name, speaking evil in gods church, anger at god, careless use of gods name, euphemisms like "geez, gosh, omg" keep to sabbath, laziness, neglecting to worship, fighting, anything to go against your parents, or grandparents, no murder, rivalries, debates, wrath, adultery, fornication, vulgar, crude jokes, homosexuality, corrupt language, impurity, defiling the body (this includes tattoos, piercing etc) and a lot more. and all of this because according to people, this is what the bible means. the bible has been written so many times, people have taken words the wrong way. They choose to ignore some parts of the bible, instead believing that they are right. that they are above every other human. all humans are equal, whether they like it or not. every person was put on the earth for a reason.

User Clint StLaurent
7.6k points
4 votes


Other religions except for Christianity

Step-by-step explanation:

Because other religions worship idols and also God's, but they never anything for them and they know that the real God is there and the people that worship idols, statues and God's as anything do not that they sin everyday

User Mathfux
7.8k points