No, it is not a good idea to eliminate all after-school sports.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are more aspects to this action than simply reducing sports injuries and freeing up funding for other clubs and activities. You could mention reasons, such as the following, to support this response to the prompt.
Eliminating all after-school sports could potentially lead to a loss of scholarships and grants, in regards to furthering education by means of college or higher education, for current and future athletes.
Eliminating all after-school sports could potentially lead to students, among others such as coaches and trainers and more, losing out on doing what they enjoy. This would severly limit the options in which students have available to remain active, and to become/remain social.
Eliminating all after-school sports could lead to a decrease in funding overall for the school/district. After-school sporting events such as football games, basketball games, etc. can be operated in order to raise funds for the district/school(s). With this loss of programs, there could be a loss of funding; therefore taking money away from the clubs that would benefit from after-school sports being eliminated.
A counter argument that could be made would be that increasing funding for other clubs that aren't athletically focused could lead to more students becoming involved with those organizations. This would lead to more involvement of students that may not be athletically inclined, or simply do not wish to pursue a sport. Another aspect would be that sports related injuries would be recuded as a result.
A rebuttal to this would be that the prexisting clubs could be student ran, and could have fundraisers of their own if further supplies or resources are needed. The school could also delegate more funds during their planning and expenditure process/review, that would allow for the development of further expansion/creation of clubs.