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What was the fault of Aitaman's brother​

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23The first chapter deals with Pratisara Devi, white in colour and also knownas Vairaocani Tara who is the Sakti of the Vairocani Buddha. The secondchapter deals with Mamaki Tara - blue - the Sakti of Aksobhaya Buddha.The third chapter deals with Pandala Tara - yellow - Sakti of RatnasambhavaBuddha. The fourth chapter deals with Arya Tara - red - Sakti of AvitabhaBuddha. The fifth chapter deals with Amala Tara - green - Sakti ofAmoghasiddhi Buddha. Their sons are Visvapani, Vajrapani, Ratnapani,Khadgapani and Padmapani.Each Navagraha is represented separately in the mandala. The sun is rep-resented by a special kind of paddy that grows with stinging hairs and isimportant in a puja (swaana), and which is also used in Ayurvedic medi-cine. A red cloth is placed over this flower. The moon is represented bypolished rice grains called aakhya on top of which is placed a piece ofwhite cloth. Mangal graha is represented by mustard seed in a pot on topof which is placed a loaf of molasses (chaku). Then Buda Graha wheat (orbarley) seed called tacchho is placed on top with a yellow cloth. Next, theBrihaspatiika is placed in a pot with an orange cloth while the Sukra Grahais represented by peas in a pot with a green cloth. The Sanischar Graha isrepresented by black lentils in a pot with a blue cloth, the Rahu graha byblack soyabean (hakumusya) in a pot with a black cloth, and Ketu Grahaby kola grain seeds in a pot with multi-coloured cloth. One teacher of allthe grahas (upa-graha) is also represented by black soyabean (haku mushya)in a pot with a blue cloth onto which is placed a small piece of

User YannPl
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