B But see below.
1 Large Pizza = 12.99
4 Large Pizza = 4*12.99 = 51.96
The question is not exactly clear. Do you add on the delivery charge now of do you do it at the end? If you do it now, you are saying it is taxable. Coach Yip is just an individual, not a business. The pizza parlor will treat it as an expense. I would say you do it at the end.
Total Including tax is
51.96* ( 1 + 7.5/100)
Total = 55.86
Now add on the delivery cost
Total Cost = 55.86 + 2.50
Total Cost = 58.36
Comment: If you get this answer wrong using B, then the answer A because the 2.50 is added on before the tax is calculated.
Cost before taxes = 54.46
Total Cost with taxes = 54.46 * 1.075 = 58.54.
Since this is one of your choices you are going to have to ask your teacher which way he/she wants it done