17 votes
Wireless Network Security

should be about 3,000 words

Write Security Policy / Procedures for the Following Devices Guidelines Four Minimum Contents
of Good Guidelines.
1. Device and Function
2. Hardening Device.
3. Security Policy.
Devices are:
• Router
• Switch
• Proxy
• Load balancer
• Access point
• Mail gateway

User Keydose
7.4k points

1 Answer

9 votes


Explanation: A proxy server, for example, can hide the true origin of a request, thus, keeping your IP address private, and non-visible to the internet. However, this won't necessarily keep malicious attackers from reaching your network. A proxy simply acts as an intermediary between you, and the server you are trying to reach.

Firewalls or an Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are pieces of software specifically designed to keep attackers out of your system, they can analyze the web traffic and detect malware, or they can prevent the delivery of some packages, based on its content if the IDS consider it's malicious.

User Ashoor
6.7k points