Sally is currently 4 years old.
Kaden is 18 years older than Sally now. In 5 years, Kaden will be 3 times as old as Sally. How old is Sally now?
Let Kaden's current age be
and Sally's current age be
. We can write the following algebraic equation using the fact that Kaden is currently 18 years older than Sally:

Next, we will use the fact that in 5 years, Kaden will be 3 times as old as Sally. If Kaden and Sally's current ages are
respectively, then their ages in 5 years will be
respectively. Therefore, we have:

We have two equations with two variables. To solve for either variable, we need to create an equation with only one variable. Therefore, let's substitute the first equation into the second:

Distribute and combine like terms:

from both sides, then subtract 15 from both sides:

Divide both sides by 2:
Therefore, Sally is currently 4 years old.