0 votes
Now that you have a full year of Spanish 3, it’s time to show off what you know, and write or narrate a “memory story” of what you have learned about art and culture this year. To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned throughout the year, you will need to select an option from the list of either art, literature, or cultural topics and complete a written or oral presentation as if you were writing a book about your personal story.

Pick one of the following topics. You need to create a story using the option that you think would work best with your typical lifestyle:

● famous Hispanic painting

● famous Hispanic literary work read over this course

● traditional holiday

● rite of passage

* Watch your grammar and tense in your sentences.

* Each sentence must have at least have a subject and verb. Remember to properly conjugate your verb and that subjects and verbs must agree.

* Finally, it must be completely done in complete sentences in Spanish. Accent marks, tildes, and any upside down question marks or exclamation points also count towards your score.

I am assessing you & your skill level, not the skill level of a translator/dictionary. Use the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Sweetie!


1 Answer

4 votes

● Famosas pinturas hispanas.

El arte es una de mis cosas favoritas ya que cada artista tiene su propio estilo o forma de ser, como Picasso o Frida Kahlo. Picasso con todos sus estilos de arte logra hacer un gran cuadro lleno de color como "El viejo guitarrista", pero Frida muestra todo lo que sintió a lo largo de su vida y todos sus sentimientos en sus cuadros como en "Henry Ford Hospital" que es un uno de mis favoritos ya que cuenta cómo Frida Kahlo no pudo tener hijos y cómo se siente al respecto, una historia melancólica que Frida Kahlo logró trasmitir en un solo cuadro.

Cada uno de estos artistas realizo una famosa pintura hispana:

Picasso pinto Guernica un cuadro que realizo en Paris y que su nombre hace mencion al bombardeo de Guernica que fue durante la guerra civil española.

Frida Kahlo realizo "The Two Fridas" que cuenta de la ruptura de Frida Kahlo con Diego Rivera y su madurez creativa. Ella ilustro como se sintio abandonada por el.

User Alefteris
7.0k points