This is classic right triangle trig. If you're solving for x, which you are, you have to consider how the given sides relate to that angle. The side with a length of 50 is opposite the angle x, while the side of length 36 is adjacent to angle x. The trig ratio that utilizes the sides opposite and adjacent is tangent; HOWEVER, we are looking for a missing angle. Finding missing angles on your calculator requires the 2nd button. To find the missing angle x, you are looking for the angle that has a tangent ratio of 50 over 36 (opposite over adjacent...Toa in SohCahToa). Hit the 2nd button on your calculator and then the tangent button (in degree mode, not radian mode) and you will see this on your screen:

After the parenthesis, enter the fraction and then hit the enter button to get the angle measure in degrees:
It's very important that you learn how to use your calculator to find the trig identities that give you the ratio in decimal form and how to find the missing angles. Missing angles always use the 2nd button along with whatever trig identity you are using.