On television, many shows depict characters that do not reflect society in how we live our daily lives and interact with each other in social situations and work situations. Another way that the media does not reflect society is how women are portrayed in fashion magazines and special swimsuit issues. Very few women or men appear this way in our daily lives!
Step-by-step explanation:
From Racial bias and news media reporting: New research trends - Journalist's Resource:
As recently as 2000 in local Southern California news broadcasts, Black perpetrators were disproportionately featured, while white and Latino perpetrators were often underrepresented. White cops were also overrepresented, while Latino and Black cops were underrepresented.
Even though white people represent 2/3 of the impoverished population, news magazines between 1988 and 1992 portrayed this population as being 2/3 Black. Despite this, Black people were underrepresented in pictures