If you choose Type II Diabetes, here would be a good outline and some references.
I - Introduction
What is type II diabetes?
Why is it a problem in our community?
What are some of the micro, mezzo, and macro level issues associated with type II diabetes.
II - National level responses to type II diabetes
CDC response
NIDDK programs
"Choose my plate"
III - State responses
Outline one or two from your state
talk about how these relate to national programs
Discuss if they are helpful and successful or not
IV - Local and community based programs
Profile two local programs such as a hospital public education program and/or efforts to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables in an area that's a food desert.
V - Evaluate how these three types of responses have worked together to reduce type II diabetes
Give suggestions for changes that can be made.
American Diabetes Association. (2021). 3. Prevention or delay of type 2 diabetes: standards of medical care in diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care, 44(Supplement 1), S34-S39.
Ely, E. K., Gruss, S. M., Luman, E. T., Gregg, E. W., Ali, M. K., Nhim, K., ... & Albright, A. L. (2017). A national effort to prevent type 2 diabetes: participant-level evaluation of CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program. Diabetes care, 40(10), 1331-1341.
Gruss, S. M., Nhim, K., Gregg, E., Bell, M., Luman, E., & Albright, A. (2019). Public health approaches to type 2 diabetes prevention: the US National Diabetes Prevention Program and beyond. Current diabetes reports, 19(9), 1-11.
Nianogo, R. A., & Arah, O. A. (2018). Impact of public health interventions on obesity and type 2 diabetes prevention: a simulation study. American journal of preventive medicine, 55(6), 795-802.
Satterfield, D. W., Volansky, M., Caspersen, C. J., Engelgau, M. M., Bowman, B. A., Gregg, E. W., ... & Vinicor, F. (2003). Community-based lifestyle interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes. Diabetes care, 26(9), 2643-2652.
Stotz, S., Charron-Prochownik, D., Terry, M. A., Gonzales, K., Moore, K., & Stopping GDM Study Group. (2019). Reducing risk for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) through a preconception counseling program for American Indian/Alaska Native girls: perceptions from women with type 2 diabetes or a history of GDM. The Diabetes Educator, 45(2), 137-145.