Recall that

Differentiating the power series series for y(x) gives the series for y'(x) :

Now, replace everything in the DE with the corresponding power series:

The series on the right side has no even-degree terms, so if we split up the even- and odd-indexed terms on the left side, the even-indexed
series should vanish and only the odd-indexed
terms would remain.
Split up both series on the left into even- and odd-indexed series:

Next, we want to condense the even and odd series:
• Even:

• Odd:

Notice that the right side of the DE is odd, so there is no 0-degree term, i.e. no constant term, so it follows that
The even series vanishes, so that

for all integers k ≥ 1. But since
, we find

and so on, which means the odd-indexed coefficients all vanish,
This leaves us with the odd series,

We have

So long as you're given an initial condition
(which corresponds to
), you will have a non-zero series solution. Let
. Then

and so the first four terms of series solution to the DE would be