I was 7 years old, it was Saturday night and I could not sleep because next day it was my first travel in Airplane. We were travelling to Montenegro for vacations. I was imagining how my journey will be and night passed keeping me awake and i just slept for an hour or two. I wake up in the morning at 7.00 a.m and was really excited. I rushed to the breakfast table to quickly have my breakfast and then went in my room to check my luggage and ensure nothing important has left.
Step-by-step explanation:
It was time to leave for the airport and there was drizzling while way to airport. When we checked in and boarded for the flight we sat in the waiting room and had some snacks. I was watching planes landing and taking off from the runway from the window. We kept waiting but soon came to know that the plane in which we had to travel did not arrived on time due to bad weather and flight is a bit delayed. I was nervous and excited both at the same time. One of our uncle did phone call to my dad saying we should cancel our plan since it is very bad weather conditions and flight may get problematic. I was afraid of travelling as I had fear of a plane crash and suddenly there was an announcement, passengers travelling to Montenegro, please proceed to gate 11. We went to the gate as instructed and then I saw cabin crew welcoming me to the aircraft.
I was really nervous but the air hostess calmed me saying you will love the experience and will overcome all your fear if u get in. I trusted her and went to me seat. Soon the plane was about to takeoff and air crew help me with the seat belt. The plane take off from runway and we were in the air, loosing connection with the ground. We were served juices and snacks during the flight and we landed safely to destination. My fear of travelling was gone and now i prefer travelling every year for vacation to discover world.