What can you use water for? - Showering, Farming, Cooking
What can you eat for dinner? - Tomatoes, Rice, Noodles
Things that are naturally red? - Tomatoes, Roses, Watermelon
Words that begin with sun-? - Sunday, Sunshine, Sunlight
Words that begin with sp-? - Spoon, Spine, Spin
Types of Transportation? - Train, Car, Boat
Words that end with -ment? - Moment, Pavement, Accomplishment
Things with a screen? - Phone, TV, Tablet
Words that start with re? - Rewind, Restart, Refill
Kings of trees? - Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, Red Wood Trees
Pets? - Dogs, Cats, Fish
Things in the bathroom? - Sink, Toilet, Mirror
Circular Things? - Bottles, Lamps, Pencils
White Things? - Sugar, Salt, Tissues
What can you do to your hair? - Curl it, Straighten it, Clean it